Referral to STTARS' Refugee Mental Health Clinic

To make a referral to STTARS' Refugee Mental Health Clinic
download and complete the PDF Counselling Referral Form (see link below)
Once completed, please enter your details into the web form below, attach the Referral and the Mental Health Care Plan from their GP, then submit, or send both via email to
For more information please call (08) 8206 8900 and ask for the Intake Coordinator
Who is eligible for the Refugee Mental Health Clinic?
To be eligible for the Refugee Mental Health Clinic a client needs to be an asylum seeker or person from a refugee background with a Mental Health Care Plan from their GP.
Why should I consider a referral to STTARS' RMHC?
STTARS hosts a number of registered visiting mental health practitioners with specialist expertise to provide a dedicated service to asylum seekers and people from refugee backgrounds under Medicare funding, including the ‘Better Access to Mental Health Care’ initiative.
Clients attending the Clinic can also be easily linked in to other services within STTARS such as groups or counselling support if required, and may contact the duty worker if they need urgent support between appointments with their specialist.
Where do Clinic sessions take place?
Clinic Sessions are offered at STTARS, 81 Angas Street, Adelaide
For an appointment please call (08) 8206 8900 and ask for the Clinic Coordinator
What happens after I make a referral?
Referral and access to STTARS services are coordinated through a single entry process which is linked to assessment and service planning to ensure minimum duplication in the need for clients to relate their personal histories or support needs.
- All referrals go through a referral intake procedure
- The Intake Coordinator will contact the referrer to discuss the referral within two working days of receiving the referral
Access to STTARS' services is based on assessed need with referrals prioritised according to factors such as risk, urgency, distress and existing supports.
- Once the person has been accepted as an eligible client, a phone or face-to-face assessment will be undertaken to determine whether to make an immediate appointment, place them on our managed waiting list, and/or refer them to an alternative service
Where a waiting list is necessary for our services, the list is managed by the Intake Coordinator and contact is maintained with prospective clients while they wait for an appointment.