Referral to ARANAP

To make a referral to STTARS Adelaide Refugee and New Arrival Program (ARANAP)
Click on the link below, complete the PDF and save.
Once completed, please enter your details into the web form below then attach and submit the referral.
For more information please call (08) 8206 8900 – ask for the ARANAP Project Officer,
or email
Who is eligible for the ARANAP Program?
The ARANAP program is targeted at people from refugee backgrounds living within the broader Adelaide region who are within their first five years in Australia and who have unmet primary healthcare needs.
Why should I consider a referral to STTARS' ARANAP Program?
This program helps individuals to overcome barriers in accessing primary healthcare services. The program also works closely with primary healthcare providers to increase their capacity to provide support to people from refugee backgrounds.
What happens after I make a referral?
Referrals are triaged by the Refugee Nurse/Advocates at STTARS who conduct health assessments to identify unmet primary health care needs and then link clients to the appropriate services.